Quantitative aptitude trick for clerical and bank po examinations

Quantitative aptitude trick for clerical and bank po examinations
Quantitative aptitude comprises of Data Interpretation problems in bank exams. This is a section which a candidate must aim to score the maximum.
You can use specific data interpretation tricks to solve the problems and aim to ace in the quantitative aptitude section. Below is a typical question asked in the bank exam. We shall see how we can arrive at the answer in seconds using the quantitative aptitude trick.
(6)What was the average number of A type cars sold by the company in 2008,2010 and 2012 together?


Steps to find average number of cars sold

Step 1:Count the number of parts in 2008,2010 and 2012
Step 2:Add the number of parts of 2008,2010 and 2012
Step 3:Multiply the result obtained in step 2 by the scale
Step 4:Divide the result obtained in step 3 by the number of years
Step 5:Multiply the result obtained in step 4 by original units of expression(in this example it is 1 production in thousands)

Finding the number of parts in 2008,2010 and 2012
Number of parts of A type cars in 2008=3
Number of parts of A type cars in 2010=8
Number of parts of A type cars in 2012=6

Adding all the parts of A type cars in 2008,2010 and 2012
We get,

Multiplying the result by the scale(5) 
we get,17 x 5=85

Dividing the result by number of years(3)
we get,85/3=28.333333

Multiplying the result by 1000
we get,28333

Ans Average =28,333 approximately

This is an approximate answer so we can select an option closest to this number.

Data analysis questions and answers for bank po

Data analysis questions and answers for bank po
Data analysis questions based on graphical interpretation is frequently asked in bank exams. This is a section that every candidate aspiring to join the banking career must aim to score. With these handful tricks you can answer the data analysis questions in seconds. How amazing that sounds right?
It is amazing and an easy trick. Below is one of those typical data analysis questions.
(4)In which of the years was the percentage increase in production of company A was minimum from the previous year?

We shall see how we solve this using the below trick.

Steps to find percentage increase in production of company A

Step 1:Look at the graph and compare the lengths of the bars of company A for different years.

Step 2:Find out the year where the length of graph is less than its previous year.

We observe the following
(a) Production of company A from 2007 to 2010 shows an increasing trend and from 2010 to 2012 shows a decreasing trend.
(b)We shall consider only 2007 to 2010 ignoring others and start comparing the current year with its previous year

Comparing 2008 and 2007
Number of parts in 2008=3
Number of parts in 2007=1

Comparing 2009 and 2008
Number of parts in 2009=7
Number of parts in 2008=3

Comparing 2010 and 2009
Number of parts in 2010=8
Number of parts in 2009=7

Ans  Percentage Increase in production of company A is minimum in the year 2010 where it has increased by only 1 part compared to the year 2009.


Data interpretation shortcut techniques for Bank PO and clerical exams

data interpretation shortcut techniques for bank PO and Clerical Exams
Learning Data interpretation shortcut techniques is the way to be ahead of your peers. This is section where any candidate must try to answer all the questions in just few seconds time. It is where you can score the maximum by using these simple tricks. However, it is not enough if you just learn these tricks. You must practice these data interpretation shortcuts on different  problems to get a hang of it. Also don’t forget to time yourself while doing this.
(3)In which year the percentage increase in the production of company A to that of company B was minimum?

 Data interpretation shortcut technique steps


Step 1:Observe the lengths of the bars of company A which 

is increasing compared to company B 

Step 2:Consider only the increasing bars ignoring others and see by how much it is increasing
To check by how much it is increasing, count the number of parts and compare which has increased by less number of parts.

By looking at the above diagram we can say that the length of the bars of company A compared to company B has increased only in 2009 and 2010. 
There is increase in production of company A only in the years 2009 and 2010.
We shall compare only 2009 and 2010 bars and ignore others
Number of parts of A=7
Number of parts of B=6

Number of parts of A=8
Number of parts of B=5

Ans  Percentage increase in production of company A to that of company B was minimum in 2009 as it has increased only by 1 part.

Another way of comparing is to just count the number of parts that is extra.
Example In 2009 by looking at the bars we can say that company A has 1 part more than company B.
In 2010 by looking at the bars we can say that company A has 3 parts more than company A.
So Percentage increase in company A is minimum in the year 2009.

Data analysis trick for bank PO to find percentage increase

Data analysis trick for bank PO to find percentage increase
Data analysis is one of the sections in bank exams to score high in less time. Learn and use the data analysis tricks to equip yourself to answer the bank exam questions in seconds.
This is one of the questions which is frequently asked in Data analysis section. 

(2)What was the percentage increase in the sale of B type cars from 2010 to 2011?

Here is the simple trick that you can use to get the answer in seconds. Take your time to understand the concept and try different problems using this trick.
We have tried to make it simple for you to understand so it goes into 3 steps, but once you get a hang of it you can actually get the answer mentally.


Step 1:Compare the number of parts of company B for the years 2010 and 2011

Step 2:Find out by how much the number of parts has increased.

Step 3:Multiply the result obtained in step 2 with the scale used in the above graph.(Scale=common measure taken on the y-axis)

Number of parts of B in 2010=5
Number of parts of B in 2011=9
Increase =(9-5)/5= 4/5

% Increase=(9-5/5)*100

% Increase  =80%

Ans % increase in the sale of B type cars=80%

Data analysis and interpretation tricks-bar-chart diagrams

Data analysis and interpretation tricks

Data analysis and interpretation problems are given to test how keenly you can observe things and not to test your ability to calculate.Let us now see some data analysis and interpretation tricks to get the answer quickly without much calculations.

Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions   below.

Data analysis and interpretation bar chart diagram

(1)In which year the percentage increase or decrease in the production of company B to that of company A was maximum?

Basic concept
First of all we shall look at each bar as group of parts and understand the concept of parts.

for example In the above bar chart diagram, In 2007 company A has 1 part and company B has 2 parts
In 2008 company A has 3 parts and company B has 4 parts.

Steps to find percentage increase or decrease

We  shall follow the below steps to arrive at our answer
Step 1:Count the number of parts of company A and company B
Step 2:Compare the number of parts of company B with company A for all years.
Step 3:Check which year the difference in the number of parts is maximum.That is the year the percentage increase or decrease is maximum

In the above example we notice the following
Number of parts of A=1
Number of parts of B=2

Number of parts of A=3
Number of parts of B=4

Number of parts of A=7
Number of parts of B=6

Number of parts of A=8
Number of parts of B=5

Number of parts of A=7
Number of parts of B=9

Number of parts of A=6
Number of parts of B=8

We observe that in the year 2010 the number of parts of B is 3 less than the number of parts of company A so 2010 has maximum percentage decrease in comparison to the other years

Ans  In the year 2010 percentage decrease in production of company B is maximum compared to company A.